Wednesday 11 July 2018

Know the electronic book formats in depth

When we talk about the first generation of electronic books, one of the reasons for not being successful was that they could practically only read one format, that of the brand that manufactured it.

Luckily, the issue of formats has stabilized quite a lot in recent years and while we are not in the ideal situation, there are already clear paths to follow. In this part of the special on the electronic book we will talk about formats, a key element in a gadget of this style.

Classic formats

An electronic book reader is at the end an element in which we can read or not certain file formats. The classic text files (.TXT), rich text (.RTF) or even Office Word documents do not usually present problems when they are shown in most e-book readers if they are compatible.

Open formats against owners

When we face an electronic book, the first thing we will find is the decision that at a given moment the creator or distributor made about the format that he would give to the book. You can get access to thousands of ebooks in various formats at Selectvu.

PDF, of the most used but not the best

When someone talks to you about an e-book, the Adobe PDF format comes to mind right away. In the case of PDF what is intended is to preserve first and foremost the layout and appearance of the original document, although in its latest versions some flexibility is allowed at least in the width so that it can better adapt to the different screen sizes of the equipment where we can visualize them.

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