The Time Traveler's Wife is the debut novel of American author Audrey Niffenegger, which was published in 2003. You can read similar titles on eBook websites like Selectvu. The story follows a genetically damaged man named Henry, who is an adventuresome librarian and his love interest Clare, who meets Henry when she was six.
At the time of meeting, Henry is thirty-six and Clare is six. And, when they get married, Henry is thirty-one and Clare is twenty-three. The story deals with a complex timeline owing to the fact that the lead protagonist is able to travel through time. This ability is portrayed in the novel as a rare genetic disorder.
The story further delves into the part where Henry's time travel is triggered through various emotional and traumatic experiences. This leads to him jumping time to a particular place & time or associated with a memory. After several hours/days of displacement, Henry finds himself back in the present time totally naked with no clothes to cover himself at all.
The re-appearance can be several hours or days after the jump. The book shows how Clare has to deal with the emotional distress of her love-interest disappearing time and again.
The author has attributed the disappearance part of the tale to her own love life and has confessed of sitting down to write the book frustrated over her love life. You can read titles, similar in nature, on eBook site Selectvu.
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